Saturday, October 24, 2009

Map Builder - Web 2.0 tool

Map builder ( is an easy Web 2.0 tool that allows easy population of google maps or yahoo maps without having to learn API's. It is possible to create a custom map and then display it on your own website; mapbuilder generates Java script and HTML code that is ready to use.


A highlight from the 2009 Horizon Report ( is that in 2-3 years everything will be geo-coded.

  • Geocoding is attaching a latitude and longitude to an item - like a picture or a video to denote where in the world it was taken; this is also called geotagging. Many cameras and mobile phones will now automatically attach geocode information to phtots and videos.

  • Geocaching is when a mobile device detects where you are and offers you context aware info that is related to your location. It is not far off that as you walk past a building, you will be able to listen to historical information about the building from your phone.

  • Mashups can be created between Flickr geotagged pictures being overlayed onto a google map to create a visual story of a particular location.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Social Media Revolution

Do you think that we are in a social media revolution? Check out this short video and you will be convinced that we are!

Ted Talk on the Photosynth Experience

This video from features Blaise Aguera Y Arcas, a Microsoft architect, that explains his creation called Seadragon and demonstrates its use in a project called Photosynth Experience.

Seadragon is digital rendering that allows for quick and easy zoom capabilities on any size of file. The Photosynth Experience is the joining of many digital images via semantic meta tags that create panaramic images that are spatially correct.

Seeing is believing .....check out this awesome technology!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Multicultural blogging

This link is a good reference to bloggers from different countries that are sensitive to multicultural awareness:

Blogworld Expo 2009

Blogworld Expo 2009 just occured in Las Vegas. Check out this link for blogging stats:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Second Life Avatar

Dekker Ling is my avatar in Second Life.

Books used for CS 855

Sherdan, W. A. (1998). The Fortune Sellers: The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Christakis, A.N. and Bausch, K. (2006). How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power. Information Age Publishing, Connecticut.

Halal, W. (2008). Technology's Promise: Knowledge on the Transformation of Business and Society. Palgrave Macmillan, NY.